September 29 to October 1, 2016
Organizers: Boston University, Arts Administration Program and OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research).
THE SOCIAL is the title of the 4th International Association for Visual Culture Biennial Conference (IAVC2016@Boston) held at Boston University September 29, 30 and October 1, 2016. The conference IAVC2016@Boston invites international collaborations, papers and events on post-democracy, post-society, anger, violence, future visions, crisis, zombie democracies, social media, neo-slavery, post-capitalism, post-data, social evolution, revolution, actionism, post-state, interventionism, cannibalizing corporativism, post-colonialism, economic vampirism, neo-serfs, globalized thievery, art activism, red art, insurrectional art and social exploitation. Visit the conference website for more information and register to attend.
Sounds, Images and Data 2015
July 23 – 25, 2015
Venue: New York University, Steinhardt School.
Sounds, Images and Data 2015 is a conference that analyzes the role of the artists and curators in creating new experiences and aesthetics in the 21st century. By mixing a series of contemporary technologies, Big Data, social media practices and innovative approaches both to curating and artistic practices, contemporary creators and commentators are envisaging and constructing a different world where different strands collide. These practices could be defined as convergent, but they actually bring a complexity to the field of studies that cannot be subsumed under an homologating system, rather it appears to produce multiple and sometimes contradictory aesthetics. Visit the conference website for more information and register to attend.
Digital Queers
June 25 – 27, 2015
Venue: The New School, New York.
Digital Queers is a conference that will take place at The New School and will coincide with the Gay Pride in New York City. During the month of June is also expected a sentence of the American Supreme Court on Equality and this event will be another opportunity to discuss issues and problems regarding equality and social justice with both global and local perspectives. Digital Queers will focus on issues related to social justice for the gay community at large. The evolution of society has led to an increased acceptance of the LGBTQA world – in part due to more open and vociferous stances of the multiple communities of gender minorities and in part to the role that contemporary digital media have played in reshaping communication and advocacy. What are then the new practices that should be pursued in order to achieve and ensure social justice for all?. Visit the conference website for more information and register to attend.
Cloud and Molecular Aesthetics
June 26 – 28, 2014
Venue: Pera Museum, Istanbul, Turkey.
The Third Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference at the intersections of art, science and culture will present papers that explore the theme of the cloud and molecular aesthetics. Clouding occurs when information becomes veiled, foggy, fuzzy, obscure or secretive, or when it condenses, blooms and accretes into atmospheres of chaotic turbulence and pressure vectors, into tidal flows and storms. The cloud also is a new formation of data as a global and seemingly immaterial distribution of storage and means of retrieval. This data cloud exists everywhere and yet is nowhere in particular. Visit the conference website for more information and register to attend.
Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art
May 15 – 16 – 17, 2014
Venues: Goldsmiths, May 15 and 16, 2014; The Courtauld Institute of Art May 17, 2014.
The aim of the conference is to bring together artists, theorists , scholars, sound engineers, historians and curators. The conference speakers will present papers that respond to the themes of sound art and sound curating including their histories and practices in areas that span from the fine arts to contemporary media arts, cultural representations and archiving practices. The conference is also opened to areas of conceptualization, aesthetic and philosophical analyses of sound art and sound curating. Visit the conference website for more information and register to attend.