[person name=”Deniz Cem Onduygu” picture=”https://ocradst.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/dco_ocr.jpg” title=”Art Director” linkedin=”https://www.linkedin.com/pub/deniz-cem-önduygu/69/57/243″] Deniz Cem Önduygu has an MA degree in Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design from Sabanci University where he worked as a teaching assistant and took some graduate level courses in biology. His research focuses on evolutionary design. He works as a visual designer operating independently and within the collectives Fevkalade (graphic design) and Çilek Ağacı (data analysis & visualization) with whom he won two awards at the 2012 Information is Beautiful Awards. He is also the art director of Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

Among his areas of interest are philosophy of biology, memetics, monsters, philosophy of mind, art theory, trash television, typography and information design.[/person]