[person name=”Nicholas Mirzoeff” picture=”https://ocradst.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Mirzoeff_IMG_5459.jpg” title=”OCR Board Member”]Nicholas Mirzoeff is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. He is one of the founders of the academic discipline of visual culture in books like An Introduction to Visual Culture (1999/2009) and The Visual Culture Reader (1998/2002/2012).

He is also Deputy Director of the International Association for Visual Culture and organized its first conference in 2012.

His most recent book The Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality (2011) won the Anne Friedberg Award for Innovative Scholarship from the Society of Cinema and Media Studies in 2013.

In 2012, he undertook a durational writing project called Occupy 2012. Every day, he posted online about the Occupy movement and its implications. He is currently producing an open source anthology of the project as an e-book.

In 2014, he will launch After Occupy: What We Learned, an open writing project on the lessons of the social movement. Essays will be posted, comments and feedback will be solicited and then incorporated into the final version, which will be an open source e-book.

Finally, he is working on expanding the Right to Look into a trilogy. The second part will be a genealogy of occupation, taking space and land use in the time after rupture from the Haitian Revolution, via Reconstruction and 1968 to Occupy. The final part is called To Live, Finally and asks how to live in human-made geological time.
